Welcome to my Project Portfolio, where I showcase a collection of web applications and projects I've...
The ultimate solution for effortlessly splitting bills among friends and family during group purchas...
A user-friendly web app to track your income and expenses, helping you manage your finances and budg...
My Lingkeu is a platform for creating custom link trees, allowing users to organize and share multip...
This Next.js-based personal API enables efficient management of projects or portfolios with secure C...
This website for LYT Gadget allows users to check the availability of stock items through an interna...
Landing page and company profile page for Dinotrostore. Dinotro Store is a marketplace providing the...
This website provides information on various anime and manga sourced from a public API. Users can vi...
This is my portfolio website built with React and Tailwind CSS. It highlights my projects, skills, a...
Pesenstudio MLG is a booking platform for music studios in Malang. It allows users to schedule recor...
Landing page for Striker Six Roleplay. Striker Six Roleplay is a multiplayer roleplaying game that a...